Catalyst for achievement
The edu-cure of Dr Tilborg
Partners to reach each one's fullest potential and delivers meritorious contributions within each community served

Portfolio of Excellence

Felicia E.L Tilborg, mother of Tilborg education and its personalized achievement study, has as mission to shape well-rounded individuals and attain life-long-learning success. Tilborg's PAS-phase, which stands for passion, action and satisfaction, was coined in the early 2000 and reflects each individual's desire and its manifestation thereof. Tilborg, who describes herself as: "The educator of the 21st Century" has acknowledged that her theory best suits self-directed learners, highly skilled workers, learners with an exceptional/ extraordinary ability, and individuals with a broad understanding on modern day and global educational perspectives.
Her passion for education transformed into action starting at the new millenium. Tilborg actively focussed on human growth and development and her love for education grew furthermore. After more than two decades, of trainings, research and constructive intergration, Tilborg succesfully founded her own education strategy and coaching methode.
Public Speaking & Teaching Experience
When invited as a guest speaker, Tilborg uplifts the audience and emphasizes her passion for edutainment with the opening song "If you happy and you know it, clap your hands." This to represent happiness, which the meaning of her name Felicia stands for. Her opening drew many people's attention and for her driven attitude and teaching strategy, she was called Feliz in action, professor of the edutainment studies. Her remarkable performance didn't go unnoticed and her methode inspired, impacted and transformed many lives in privileged and under privileged communities.
Transformation in Education
In 2007 Tilborg proposed a statement during a board meeting, which influenced the definition of "early learning" and gave it a complete new dimension. Tilborg argued that the words early learning center doesn't only refer to an educational site and care programs for children in their early years of life, but represents small constructive steps each person takes to achieve a particular goal. After quorum was reached, approval was granted in accordance with the childcare rules and regulations, to exclude several age restrictions at the Early Learning Center where Tilborg operated as the general manager. This led to expansion of the term and JC's Early Learning Center became an educational site to all who were willing to learn vocational skills in early childhood development (ECD).
Transforming the objectives in regards to early learning, established successful partnerships with Polk Works (Currently known as CareerSource Polk), various governmental, non governmental and local organizations. Additionally Tilborg offered vouchers for 30 hours free childcare services per week with meals included to children of parent(s) in need. This solved a gap for job seekers who couldn't afford such services, while seeking employability. Her initiatives and community development services resulted in employment of hundreds individuals in Polk County, Florida. In 2010 and 2011 JC's Ealy Learning Center was acknowledged for its dedication to the children and families of Polk County and therefore received the provider appreciation recognition awarded by the Early Learning Coalition.

Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Social Enterprise & Philantrophic Duties
Tilborg's success continued when she mobilized entrepreneurs to support vulnerable youngsters in Polk County, Florida. This social enterprise of Felicia Tilborg&co was formed as the Love, Peace and Unity (LPU) planet and sprouted new business initiatives, which excecuted philantrophic duties that supported this cause. Eventually also the youngsters and young adults of Senegal, Dakar residing in severe poverty, reaped fruits from this structure. Implementation of the PAS-phase at ABC education for children was the next milestone reached. For its succesul outcome Felicia E.L Tilborg received a recommendation letter and media acknowledgement in Africa.

Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Tilborg Education in Senegal, Dakar
The founder of ABC education for children, Mame Cheick Diop partnered with Felicia E.L Tilborg to reach his highest potential and fulfill his ultimate goals. He successfully implemented Felicia Tilborg's Practicum, which fueled minors and young adults with the necessary educational and employment skills to enhance their career opportunities. Mr. Diop became known for his valuable asset in his community and was invited by the Australian authorities for his community service. ABC education for children started with approximately 250 students and is currently in 2022 one of the biggest institutions in Senegal serving over 800 students annually with school supplies. Passion-action-satisfaction rooted into the hearts of many and a decade thereafter some successfully attended universities, gained, jobs, coached newcomers and are actively involved within the organization.
Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Tilborg Education in Entertainment
Tilborg continued her practitioner action research and shifted her methode to a different domain. She accepted the offer to become the executive manager of Guyanese artist Shazman. This gave her the opportunity to diligently implement the exact same theory passion and action leads to satisfaction. Shazman reached the US Billboard chart, won the Hollywood Music and Media Award for best Reaggae artist, received million dollar contracts from top organizations and was accepted by SESAC as his performance right organization.

Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Tilborg Education as Life Coach
In 2008 Janicey and Cecilia Khan also known as the "The JC Twins" were born prematurely, after a pregnancy which was predicted to end in the prelimanary stage due to several complications. According to the physician's prognosis, this could be a long-term cause of a delay in the twin's growth and development process. Throughout the years the JC Twins were consequently trained and stimulated to excell according to their ability. Suprisingly they beated all odds. At the age of 10, the twin started taken university courses online at some of the most prestigious (IVY League) educational institutions. Janicey and Cecilia won awards, were recognized by the US embassy in Suriname and even recruited by wellknown international schools.They succesfully led projects to present their multi-talented skills and carried out leadership positions to encourage their peers.

Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Tilborg's study became more in depth after an inner question arose. How did these children born prematurely, raised by seperated parents, still achieved the status as students with an extraordinary ability? This led to her next research.
In 2022 Tilborg added another detail to her methode. In this theory she applied a self-reflection. "What did I do to reach these accomplishments?" Tilborg evaluated herself as the edutainer Miss ILY in de children's program 1-2-3, eyes on Miss ILY. While seated in her room in Suriname, she envisioned: "If I want to impact the lives of a vunerable population, my methode needs to be practical and formulated in 3 steps, which should be easy to follow and integrated as a lifestyle." Tilborg went on her next mission.
Tilborg Education in Moravian Church
In 2015, Felicia E.L. Tilborg attended the Moravian Theological Seminary in Suriname. Her committment in service as a child worker resulted in her becoming the children program coordinator of the Moriavian church in District Para. Her knowledge and ability was appreciated and reached greater heights. Tilborg was officially admitted as a board member of the Moravian congregation and in 2016 the historical event took place when she became the 1st Vice President of Moravian region board of District Para. Under her presidency she excecuted many child and youth activities, which even drew recognition and active participation from the
Moravian Bishop of Suriname.

Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Tilborg Education within the Community
Tilborg's excitement about her passion-action-satisfaction methode increased. She continued as an urban missionary by offering community development activities in South America, Suriname. She discovered a group children in District Para, Suriname. These children were very passionate about co-curricular activities. Tilborg started club activities which drew hundreds of children and In 2019 she became the 1st initiative taker as a community worker who initiated and establish an athletic club in this District. These athletes were partaking under the umbrella of S.V. Yellow Birds and admitted by the athletic association of Suriname. This milestone reached the newspapers and Felicia E.L. Tilborg was invited and acknowledged by the minister of sports in Suriname.

Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Her success crossed boarders to Guyana, were she performed general manager duties at Ezekiel Elite Sports Academy. Felicia E.L Tilborg was respected for her teachings, research projects, community develpment activities, new inventions and successfull execution thereof. For the 20+ years of active research, effective integration and proven results, Tilborg reached the DLE-status and continued to execute her activities in an extraordinary way.
Life-long-learning success
After months of in-depth evaluation and self-reflection, Tilborg discovered the missing element in her coaching strategy and named it the 3 step coaching ladder. The core values of this methode is for the coach to: 1) Love and care; 2) Believe in your coachee's potential; 3) Encourage and embrace each success. On Christmas day of 2022, the LBE-cycle derived in addition to the PAS-phase. Tilborg emphasized that both components are essential experiences fulfilling desires and achieving ultimate goals. She entitled Felicia Tilborg Practicum as "The edu-cure of Dr Tilborg." It was her 3 step methode, which helped each individual to achieve their personal excellence. Felicia E.L. Tilborg, the self-directed theorist smiled as she thought of her grandma saying: "All good things come in threes."

Award Nomination
Tilborg's remarkable journey continued. On February 11th, 2023 she was recognized for her second historical milestone achieved. This time Tilborg received an award for her significant contribution as being the first initiative taker to decentralize the 60 years active sport association S.V Yellow Birds, by founding its department in District Para, Suriname. Felicia E.L. Tilborg emphasized that a life-coach as a trusted partner during her educational pathway, was the driven force to pursue her own passion-action-satisfaction theory. This resulted into her receiving the same LBE experience in order to achieve the goals desired. Tilborg therefore symbolically shared the award received with her guru Virginia M. Winter.

Tilborg education, the new paradigm
The same dedication carried on, as Tilborg expanded her research to enhance various educational aspects for betterment of each community served. As a Tilborg Educator, educationalist, action reacher and catalyst for achievement, Tilborg strives to offer an experience beyond expectations and above all a transformation lasting a lifetime.
