Sign Language with Janicey Khan
Portfolio of Excellence
Janicey H. Khan grew up with a passion for reading and a home free of television and digital distractions. A healthy lifestyle was promoted during her growth and development. Reading of books has always been one of the core values in her daily routine. Janicey her parents stimulated self-directed education and traveled to encourage the love for different cultures, respect for diversity and an aim to shape well-rounded global oriented citizens. Around the age of 7, Janicey chose to read the book "a girl named Helen Keller" written by Margo Lundell. It was a random choice from the broad variety of books she was offered daily, Helen was a deaf, blind and helpless until she met a special teacher. Janicey was inspired by the story and decided to become such a special teacher within the deaf community as well. This ambition led to a specific skill developed throughout her early childhood years and thereafter.
Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Janicey has always been encouraged to pursue an educational pathway, which suited her ambitions. Although her mother was unfamiliar with the major opportunities in linguistics and the deaf community, she received ongoing support when doing her research and invested time to develop her skill in sign language. Janicey is an aspirant of Tilborg Education. As an extraordinary learner, she pursues the personalized achievement study, with ASL tutor as her focus area. Her educational program is an IVY League/college preparatory pathway in which she also prepares for her profession, while continuing her highschool honors studies
Tilborg education, the new paradigm
Educational & recreational videos
Tutor & Peer-to-peer activities