Tilborg Education
The one-stop solution for your educational pathway
Accumulation of Achievements (KASE)
Tilborg educational structure offers programs respecting formal, informal and non-formal learning methods. The Tilborg Educator and its achiever prepares an action plan in which previous education will be used as startingpoint and work dligently towards the future perspectives. All aquisitions gathered represent that particular knowledge, ability, skills and experiences (KASE-study) has been mastered. The accumulation of achievements may be a combination of culmulating projects, researches or any other educational progress evaluated and/or observed.
Our hollistic approach, dedication and broad perspectives are a few of the core objectives Tilborg Education is known for. We happily join you as a trusted partner on your learning pathway.
Achievement Study
The Personalized Achievement Study is a multifaceted program, wherein each exceptional ability is recognized and significantly treated as such. It includes all national, international and other proven results attained. In addition our top tier programs incorporates a blended educational methode with practical skills, academic and non-academic research, which further strengthen and improves each progress. After all required milestones are met, the graduate will receive our reputable achievement awards and be recognized with a Degree of Expertise qualification.
Felicia Tilborg Educational Institution shapes well-rounded, global oriented individuals and innovative leaders. We therefore value, respect and appreciate a broad variety of learning methodes and with honor compliment each individual's excellence.
Degree of Expertise
At Tilborg Education we analyze the credentials obtained and specifically highlight the key aspects on mastery level achieved. All educational levels are formatted in a detailed portfolio of excellence. A unique status in accordance to the adequate amount of competence in the specific domain of interest will be provided and quality sealed. This shall be of added value to institutions, organizations or potential employers, as it reflects the duration and to which extend the Degree of Expertise has been conducted. Below are the levels in order presented.
Primary Level of Experience (PLE)
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Fundamental Level of Experience (FLE)
6th Grade - 8th Grade
Novice/Highschool Level of Experience (HLE)
9th - 12th Grade
Advanced/Associate Level of Expertise (ALE)
2 years
Competent/Bachelor Level of Expertise (BLE)
4 years
Proficient/Mastery Level of Expertise (MLE)
7 years
Specialist Level of Expertise (SLE)
9 years
Expert/Dotorate Level of Expertise (DLE)
12 years
Honor Pledge
I commit to focus on my personal development. I commit to focus on my professional development.
I commit to carry a positive attitude wherever I go.
I am recognized for my integrity and the valuable knowledge I bring forth in my personal and professional aspects of life. I am trustworthy, dedicated and responsible, for which I earn respect from others, I continue to be a positive role model and daily uphold the highest achievement and integrity when representing Felicia Tilborg Educational Institution, as part of my personal and professional performance.
I affirm that I will not knowingly and willingly engage in dishonesty in any of my (academic) activities,
and that all works and/or initiatives initiated are my own.
I hereby conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Honor of
Tilborg Education.